Your Enemy is Not Fellow Human Being But The Dark Forces

You never know who might be temporarily possessed or influenced by dark forces. Your real enemy is never a fellow human being, to be exact, it is the dark principalities of this world lurking hunting souls so it would be corrupted. Never superficially hate on people who did shitty things, but be more cautious to notice and understand why they were helplessly being out of control in the first place: why they behave bad, irresponsible, destructive, lying, have negative intention or love screwing others? It is all because of unawareness, and the darkness can easily corrupt/control people if they are still blind. When you have a problem with other person, theyre living their hell while youre living yours, and those reactions between two hells only bring destruction. We can learn on how to see beyond it, beyond the darkness. It takes time but if you eventually get what I mean, you wont be reactive or personally feel attacked anymore. The problem is wider than just personal, its affecting the collective.

Written by Serpent

I don’t believe Ain or Evil Eye in the form of compliments to others would destroy or curse

I don’t believe Ain would destroy someone. The belief that compliments will bring calamity to someone is bullshit. If you genuinely admire someone and tell that person with a generous heart, it can be a form of blessing and not a form of curse. The eye is the window to the soul, but it depends on your heart how you ‘see’ or ‘perceive’ someone, the message of your heart comes out either from your mouth or your energy/the thought forms you processed within. These thought forms send vibrations out to the surroundings, but it depends on the surroundings (person) how they can filter the negative thought forms from others. But regardless, know that the original source of the negative thought form would give a grave effect to the person who first created it. You create your own hell when you cast an evil spell.

If you have faith in higher divine power which is God or the Omnipotent source of this universe’ existence then you perceive things beyond ordinary matters. You don’t feel fear of things which could attack or destroy you under this small world’s sky but you prepare yourself with faith and with the armors of God. And in this state, you won’t be easily affected by the negative energy trying to attack you. Look at Job, he was being tested by Satan all his life but still perseveres till the end and stays grateful and stays humble. This faith alone within him protects him. So never get scared into little matters, stay fierce even if you have to go through the dark valley of death.

The method of the evil one is many and unpredictable, it’s forming a weapon against you to basically strip down your spiritual strength but there is always a way to prevent it. You must be conscious of the truth, the truth that nothing can prevail when going against your faith to God. Say prayers and consciously be aware that you are beyond this world, nothing is impossible through faith. Amen.

Written by Serpent

Loving Another (who is in depression or having spiritual problem) Through Deep Compassion

What I can understand from my experience, is like being aware of eachothers wounds and what triggers it can appear, I learn the psychology about shadow or dark side, some of it are like wounds that needs to be dealt with, we tend to be unable to handle ourselves hence we haven’t yet capable to deal with others, or our partner’s problems/inner problems. This makes me realise things in deeper way, it makes me comprehend how to have compassion to others, coming from my self-compassion, I began to learn how to be compassionate to others, I want to make my loved ones or even strangers and hateful or wounded people know that they are loved despite their inner troubles, their souls still need to be respected despite the atrocious thoughts they might have or the actions/mistakes they might have done, this is a hard task. And this is what I understand as well from Bible Verse Ephesians 6:12, KJV: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” This verse is a good and important reminder for us all humans that we are not againts eachothers, but the negative energy that attacks individuals can lead to miscommunication and destructions and hatredness and cause separations, and how God teaches us to love our enemies (humans/others or ourselves), it means that we can overcome the harsh difficuties of life through understanding and discernment and sharing love to one another without any judgements. I dont mean to endure pain in a foolish way when your mental well being is being wholefully neglected, its important to have balance. But these things make me aware to not be easily offended and then be childish, but be mature in acknowledging what is really going on, and be a big hearted person with wise perspective, and intuitively sense in what kind of states the other person’s currently have been feeling.

Showing compassion and be a good listener to others pain, heals so much of the other person’s heart too… It’s gonna be hard. But if we can be aware, we won’t be easily triggered or offended but move through compassionate deep love for the other person’s soul, and this can heal us all, healing eachother between partners.

And btw, this video I shared to you mostly about how to understand depression in a partner or spouse, but this actually can be applied to any kind of situations because it teaches us humanity, it’s also good to understand that we all need help.

(My Spouse is Depressed : Loving a Depressed Man)

Besides that, I found out how creepy it is that when I wrote the bible verse numbers, it has a resonating message to the Bible Verse. The verse numbers automatically became the minutes for the YouTube vid, so try click it and watch. This is the message content: “More harm than good in this world”🙏🏻 yes indeed, that’s the dark principalities of this world, the Devil who wants to wreak havoc and devour humans souls, causing chaos between humans and between humans to God.

Anyone who reads this, blessings for you. If you have difficulties with another person or something, remember that you’re loved and the person who is conflicted too also loved, so we all need to heal and hopefully there wont be any disruptive fighs or negative arguments that only leads to destruction. Forgive yourself and forgive others too, pray for ourselves and other’s well being. Because we are not coming from a place of hate. So lets not spreading hate but love, when you can do this even to hateful people, this shows a proof that YOU’RE A RESILIENT BRAVE FIERCE SOUL FROM A PLACE OF LOVE AND WISDOM (GOD)

Written by Serpent

Devil make us go againts eachother. But live in awareness of Lord God can strengthen us and protect us from Evil.

If you are dependent on the pleasures of flesh, then you will ruin your soul without even you yourself aware of it. So lets mind ourselves with humility and not easily persuaded by the wicked standards of this world.

From Manual for the Spiritual Warfare by Paul Thigpen

Carl Jung said : “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” We tend to project what we disliked in others, but haven’t fully aware that’s its also part of us within. By acknowledging this, we can cease to judge and be more understanding. Temptation to hate others is very easy. We should be mindful of what lead us to go againts others. This is why we need to be deeply aware and not be easily offended by outside offenses because its only trying to attack our egos, demons like to separate us from the love of God. But we arent destroyed if we dont consent to the hurts and to the attacks. Just look at the offences as the attackers ignorance.

Doing this so we wont live in hypocrisy. If we dont mirror the hatredness we wont be easily disturbed. And can atleast live with inner peace despite the chaos. What we hate in others is something we haven’t accept yet in ourselves. Live in humility, with a soft heart, without any hatredness breeds from the persuasion of the Devil that wants to ruin you, your soul. Know that Lord God doesn’t lead you into temptation, but He let the Devil come at us, not to destroy you in God’s power, but to proof that you and I can overcome the Evil One by faith and fear of God. Regardless of the tribulations and spiritual attacks made by the Devil, if we remain steady in going through the challenges that we can handle, The Devil will fall in defeat because of our honest intentions and vehement awareness to not copy the Evil’s actions.

These screenshots below are the cases of saints being tried by the Devil and his followers but in the end win over his sneaky spiritual attacks (From Manual for the Spiritual Warfare by Paul Thigpen)

Written by Serpent