Your Enemy is Not Fellow Human Being But The Dark Forces

You never know who might be temporarily possessed or influenced by dark forces. Your real enemy is never a fellow human being, to be exact, it is the dark principalities of this world lurking hunting souls so it would be corrupted. Never superficially hate on people who did shitty things, but be more cautious to notice and understand why they were helplessly being out of control in the first place: why they behave bad, irresponsible, destructive, lying, have negative intention or love screwing others? It is all because of unawareness, and the darkness can easily corrupt/control people if they are still blind. When you have a problem with other person, theyre living their hell while youre living yours, and those reactions between two hells only bring destruction. We can learn on how to see beyond it, beyond the darkness. It takes time but if you eventually get what I mean, you wont be reactive or personally feel attacked anymore. The problem is wider than just personal, its affecting the collective.

Written by Serpent


From a religious perspective you’ve heard people asked why were we forced to be humans?

Its just as it is

We werent forced

Its just is

The law of universe made it happened in this way

This is what makes a human special, We know good and bad. From the tree of knowledge. So we could question and observe about this existence, and our free will given by God made us able to ‘want’ things. Since we are not as deeply wise as God. We could carry this knowledge in a dangerous way or in an abundant way appreciating honoring the wonderful creation of God. This knowledge we possessed could set us up to be destructive or constructive. Only God wise enough to carry the secrets knowledge of universe. We couldnt comprehend it fully because were built as mere humans with its own limited capacity to access a knowledge. Theres a mysterious thing too. Like in this case of a dog kept questioning why hes a dog. And kept looking at himself in the mirror. This shows how intricate and complex our God the creator of universe is. How this dog have such intriguing intelligent proofs that its not only human beings who could have complexity. We should appreciate the majestic existence of all living beings. Yes they feel love and have feelings of sadness and fear as well. So its not just humans. But humans now have become more or have been senseless since long ago towards other living beings as if they have taken over things on this earth in such a manipulative way. Both plants or trees and animals were destroyed for the selfishness we had.

The selfishness of wanting to have ‘pleasure’ consumed constantly and not in a form of survival anymore. Be it through destroying or taking over forest to build homes and skyscrapper buildings, we bring global climate and worsen pollution. Or through making slaughterhouses everywhere and to mass produce chickens, cows, pigs, animals that we can feed on, just so then we can kill all of them afterwards for our daily consumptions. Its not a survival anymore. And its somehow not appreciating the spirits of these animals. Even if there are religions showing respect and appreciation through prayers for these animals before they were being killed, but we still keep mass butchered many innocent animals that they only knew they were born to never see sunlight or green grass and peaceful life. All the knew was to wait in line and be thrown to slaughterhouse or butcher machine. Imagine how these animals have families and the babies and the mothets were scared of seeing eachother getting murdered in a senseless atrocious way by humans. Have we no empathy anymore when it comes to food that we want to obtain so we senselessly murder all these animals?

Even other animals that werent butchered for their meat were also abused. Such as racing horses, they could be treated with heartless treatment if the owner or the carrier didnt know how to communicate with them. Or like racing dogs for those betting competitions, If they were disabled suddenly or encountred accidents such as broken/ misssing legs whilst racing, they would possibly kill them right away because they werent useful anymore for the betting competitions. And I dont agree how some people could choose to inject anesthetic drugs to kill old dogs for example just because theyre old or sick? How could we treat them with less ethical conduct? There were only few ethical treatment towards animals if we see in some parts of the world. If they love the dog they should take care of them as a member of a family not consider them as bothersome just because theyre old or sick and then taking him down (except for some cases where the pain was so inevitable for the animal). Another case was how some humans could still abuse sheeps when they only needed the wools from their fur. Is it necessary to abuse and treat these animals in such a bad heartless way. Even there are still many people think that animals have no feelings and intellect, have no ability to understand the complexities of emotions and to do something to show compassion but all i often see that animals are way more compassionate to their companions. And we can never or should never compare ourselves with beasts who lives to survive so its already a rule of jungle for the hunter to chase their prey to be eaten. Do we live in the same way like beasts? We have lived a more developed society, we should do better to treat nature with respect

I saw animals cried, tears fell down from their eyes when they know they would be heading to a terrifying place and they also showed fear and sadness when danger came upon them or if the member of their family died or dying. Even when I see my own cat was dying because of a diseases, I remember how terrifying that was, I took a time to pray while he was dying slowly.

I had also dreamt certain unknown beautiful animals that never exist in this world, it made me feel in awe with animals around me especially because i felt deeply how majestic animals are. Because of this when I woke up noticing my cat was sleeping comfortably beside me, I said to my cat, “you live in the same period as me. We will die someday, im grateful I could experience moments of connecting with a cute being like you, we won’t be here anymore someday, I want to cherish this every seconds with you and save these moments to my soul” I really felt the majestic existence in animals and I feel amazed and also sad about it.

Where is our intellect and awareness to respect these majestic beings, they also have spirits like ours and not mere objects, they have feelings and intellect too. How could we become so arrogant and senselessly unaware. We are being given the rights of having free will and born similar like the image of God but we dare to say we are more supreme from angels and dare to be senseless to sacred majestic beings like animals and even now destroying the earth’s nature. I feel that we being humans, can be so arrogant in taking over everything on this earth and manipulate it, so its natural we had to suffer in certain way as well. The law of nature comes back to balance everything. We receive the karma for what he have been doing to this earth and all of its living beings. We should deeply humble ourselves and take responsibility for the destruction we create upon everything around us.

Written by Serpent


The key is to own your darkness and make yourself aware of the complexes of this world including the things which exists within yourself. An individual can create his or her own cycle of hell when they have no full control of the darkness within them. It could make a person feel attacked, inferior, cognitive dissonance, misassumptions, shortsighted, having increased bitterness or hatredness towards others or themselves. The dark force likes to mess up your system. Being possessed and blinded by the dark force, it will only create despair, uncertainty, lead you to your self annihilation and the destructions of others, and a very small narrow perspective about this world and life. Wars started from the heart, our psyche. But in order to not helplessly be fooled and get dragged by the dark force you need to be cautious and sharp in differentiating which is your truth and which is trying to manipulate your soul. Learn to stay humble and to be perceptive in unknown circumstances, as ego is easy to be influenced by either high morals/virtues or primitive reasonings, we must learn to be wise in the midst of grey areas in
our life and not judge things too easy, theres another layer of sky above the sky we see, what we perceive is not the whole scope of the universe which is operating mysteriously.

Written by Serpent

I don’t believe Ain or Evil Eye in the form of compliments to others would destroy or curse

I don’t believe Ain would destroy someone. The belief that compliments will bring calamity to someone is bullshit. If you genuinely admire someone and tell that person with a generous heart, it can be a form of blessing and not a form of curse. The eye is the window to the soul, but it depends on your heart how you ‘see’ or ‘perceive’ someone, the message of your heart comes out either from your mouth or your energy/the thought forms you processed within. These thought forms send vibrations out to the surroundings, but it depends on the surroundings (person) how they can filter the negative thought forms from others. But regardless, know that the original source of the negative thought form would give a grave effect to the person who first created it. You create your own hell when you cast an evil spell.

If you have faith in higher divine power which is God or the Omnipotent source of this universe’ existence then you perceive things beyond ordinary matters. You don’t feel fear of things which could attack or destroy you under this small world’s sky but you prepare yourself with faith and with the armors of God. And in this state, you won’t be easily affected by the negative energy trying to attack you. Look at Job, he was being tested by Satan all his life but still perseveres till the end and stays grateful and stays humble. This faith alone within him protects him. So never get scared into little matters, stay fierce even if you have to go through the dark valley of death.

The method of the evil one is many and unpredictable, it’s forming a weapon against you to basically strip down your spiritual strength but there is always a way to prevent it. You must be conscious of the truth, the truth that nothing can prevail when going against your faith to God. Say prayers and consciously be aware that you are beyond this world, nothing is impossible through faith. Amen.

Written by Serpent


I thought, the context where the mother protected her son even though her son became a monster, was depicted precisely in Brightburn movie. Because in Brightburn, his mother kept trying to see the goodness in her son till the end, but she was wrong.

What i like in Brightburn, this movie is the antithesis of most superhero movies, because the son is an antagonist living being from outerspace. And the mother who found him in the attic grew deeply attached to him and considered him as her own ‘blood and flesh’ child. The protective instinct of a mother who wants to make her own son feel safe and validated in this practical cruel world, could be very supportive for the development of her son and her son knew she had tried her best to love him. But the innate destructive nature in him cannot be avoided and vanished from his own nature.

Brightburn was the one that really made me deeply immersed to the story, somehow i could understand the rawness of him showing his dark emotions and he tried to be good, but hes just evil.. i like this fact where life story doesn’t point out goodness everytime, watching the movie let us see the balance of the opposite.

Written by Serpent

Martian/Plutonic: Fearlessness to Face Death/Struggles

There is something about the principle spartan soldier upholds that I really admire and this movie titled 300 is based on real spartan soldiers and how King Leonidas strategies to defeat his enemies.

He followed his own method when he killed the big wolf. By leading the enemy to a smaller corner. It’s like the movie Revenant movie too, the main character, was nearly being killed by a bear, left to die by his comrades, and he had to survive in the wild forest jungle, and he is targeting his enemy to do revenge from what he did to him, and it made that enemy scared . Theres a somewhat quote from the main character, “He’s afraid, he knows ive came so far to find him”.

This is a tactical terror that scared enemies, people thought you were dead, but you survived as if you were being revived by the God of death, this is very martian or plutonic. Martian energy is about aggression, reaching our goals, strategy of actions while Plutonic energy is about death and rebirth process of transformation, depicted precisely in the myth of Phoenix which rises above its own ashes after death.

I really admire and felt in awe whenever I saw militaristic survival like this, be it through movie scenes, animes, fictional or historical novels or books that tell stories about the journey of the soul against death, when you are ready to die, you live, but when you are blind to death, you experience transformation through it. (watch the video here where King Leonidas must defeat the big wolf in the wilderness as part of his initiation to become the man of Sparta).

Written by Serpent

Comprehend The Enemy Within

Nothing outside of you would make you feel threatened if you learn to know your way around your own psyche’s labyrinth, comprehend the enemy within, which is yourself, the layered shadows and darkest parts of you that you mostly didn’t realise. They would guide you instead, at least destroy your ignorant ways.


The things outside you are trying to attack you, it is actually a sign where you need to understand what other sides you have within that are capable of doing to the outside world. I always see this as an endless number of mirrors or reflections of souls, we are living beings who mirror each other, reflecting the yin and yang forces that exist in human nature. The shadows within us don’t always seem dark, they can be light shadows too (which is your hidden talents/potentials). What you must do is to be introspective when the uncontrollable forces outside come in big or small waves towards you.

When you are aware and kill the ignorant of your ways of seeing your dark shadows and not being oblivious about it, you won’t be easily troubled when you look around situations and people around. This also applies when you recognize the potentials in others and within you, you would appreciate every individual and not resort to foolish judgement and see the light in others too no matter how they seem dark to the outside world. You know so well this world and this human nature are real, and you already feel it within, this could light up a way to shine upon the darkest part of others, to be understood and you could also appreciate the uniqueness of others, believe in them and put faith in them in how they have to live regardless of their imperfections, in the midst of all those yin and yang forces. This is unconditional love. You perceive it not in a negative or positive way, but in a state of objectivity. Spiritual objectivity.

Stay humble when doing your shadow work, and you must realise you are a being made out of unconditional love. God Universe created you with this complexity, blessed be upon you.

Written by Serpent

Balance These 3 Functions within you (ID, EGO, SUPEREGO)

People who’s driven by id(instinct) would follow their own desires uncontrollably, like an animalistic primitive beast who dont know right or wrong.

The ego would try to manifest the very thing we want to do, be it based on good will or impulsive selfish instincts that behaves like a child.

While the superego is like a force that police what we did, based on moral grounds or spiritual rules for example, this superego could influence our ego, on how we conduct ourselves.

So it all depends on the dynamic of the person’s id ego superego functions. Ego can be influenced by id or superego.

So that’s why there’s a way too on how to strengthen our healthy ego that we wont be easily influenced by instinct, and also not to be too fanatic following superego, punishing one self and others through extreme judgements. Set an equilibrium within you.

Read further about these 3 functions (ID, EGO SUPEREGO) from Sigmund Freud, as he is the one who formed this psychoanalytic theory.

Peace and blessings be upon you

Written by Serpent

If you can, let go of controlling from the ego and let God

Pardon for the way of expressing this. But there is a certain psychical expression from your soul which you can merge with the greater things beyond you that you can humble your existence to; it is to surrender to the bigger universe. This expression is through surrendering from any kind of life circumstances and still you don’t lose yourself. You can risk your life by letting go of controlling the course of how the universe decides to give you life, you don’t try hard to save your life, to save yourself, but go with the flow with the will of the universe, which is God. It doesn’t mean you’re not caring for your condition in life, but it is to not depend solely on this mere temporary existence, you could learn to be aware that our purpose is to do more than just for the matters of this world.

The purpose of each individual has effect for the bigger collective. Through unconditional selfless love and affection for the sake of everyone’s well being. I

But through all of it, you still be true as yourself and discern God, discern something more than yourself.

Peace and blessings be upon you

Written by Serpent

Humble to do Shadow Work

Pardon for the somewhat harsh tone in the written black and white words in the picture above. Sometimes when we are feeling low or encounter some troubles, we tend to try to find ways to calm ourselves down and try to make sure we are away from the negative energy surrounding us. We want to protect ourselves by any means necessary so that we won’t have to deal with any kinds of negative pressures anymore. This is understandable if the pressure can be too much to handle for an individual. But most of the time we don’t know how to really be in tune with the meditative state and reach the state of internal peace. This is because there is some kind of repression in our thoughts and feelings. When we sense danger or threats or pressure, some of us choose to avoid the struggles and not face the troubles directly with an efficient approach. Our flight or fight mechanism can lead us into bad or unprepared responses and this is because the repressed state of being is activated, into an unconscious state. As you already know we are mostly driven by our unconscious state. And if we have to deal with situations in our surroundings, some of the repressed thoughts or feelings still could show itself to the surface without us knowing. And it is in this kind of state where you wont be able to truly be in tune with the meditative state. Because all that heavy energy is still lurking and disturbing you because they still want to come out to the surface, they want to be acknowledged by you.

From my personal understanding of this situation, it is best for an individual to understand themselves first to see their concerns, worries and things that made him or her anxious or in fear. Before starting to find a way on how to be in the zone, to be still, to be meditative. As a matter of fact, I think it is through facing and dealing with your shadows first in your psyche’s labyrinth that you will be able to take over control of your own state because you already know what your weak side is, your struggles, and defects that you need to manage so you can improve. I find that discerning things in the dark can make you appreciate the light of awareness and you will find that light of awareness through that darkness. It is actually humbling and somehow it makes us feel less attached to the worldly situations that were previously disturbing or harming our thoughts and feelings. Through that dark path to self awareness, you are growing to understand that there are more things beyond our spectrum of perspective or point of view. We can improve our spiritual awareness through that fact. Since we are part of the universe, we would try to see that our struggles are part of the puzzle that connects to bigger puzzles. When you can accept yourself for who you are, and with the discernment of the universe connected to you, you will want to improve yourself better. I feel that in this way, you will become more serene and accepting and embrace gentleness to yourself. When you are at peace eventually in yourself, you will start to be one with the universe and reach that state of inner peace, or thoughtlessness, or in the zone, or in void. It doesn’t mean that you’re empty, for me it would mean that you are becoming one with the universe. And see existence as not just yourself but you’re interconnected with everything and see the branches from within you connecting to surroundings and everyone. This is something that humbles us actually. We are humbling ourselves down to accept the fact sometimes we have uncontrolled impulses, and the awareness that others too experience the same patterns in their ways. We will start to feel not burdened by the complexes if we can step by step resolve what is disturbing our psyche. But things are not always easy, not everything can be easily resolved within.

So this is why, one of the methods that for me really can help us to not be dishonest to ourselves is through being humble, have humility first to see our dark side, our shadow. Accepting it unconditionally would make us be at peace with ourselves. And this can help us to be more at ease when we want to meditate or to be positive to our surroundings. The key is to show that unconditional love from within you to yourself, this light will shine through towards your surroundings.

Blessings for you.

Written by Serpent