Your Enemy is Not Fellow Human Being But The Dark Forces

You never know who might be temporarily possessed or influenced by dark forces. Your real enemy is never a fellow human being, to be exact, it is the dark principalities of this world lurking hunting souls so it would be corrupted. Never superficially hate on people who did shitty things, but be more cautious to notice and understand why they were helplessly being out of control in the first place: why they behave bad, irresponsible, destructive, lying, have negative intention or love screwing others? It is all because of unawareness, and the darkness can easily corrupt/control people if they are still blind. When you have a problem with other person, theyre living their hell while youre living yours, and those reactions between two hells only bring destruction. We can learn on how to see beyond it, beyond the darkness. It takes time but if you eventually get what I mean, you wont be reactive or personally feel attacked anymore. The problem is wider than just personal, its affecting the collective.

Written by Serpent